Public Submissions on the Draft Implementation Plan for the Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Declaration
What has happened to date?
Development of the Implementation Plan was first supported by all Australian Governments in the Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan (2017) (the Fifth Plan).
The content of the Implementation Plan builds on a series of workshops held in 2018/19 and late 2021, across all jurisdictions in Australia with members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, service providers and government stakeholders.
In early-2022, the Implementation Plan was tested with community members, those with a lived experience of mental health and SEWB services, and GDPSA’s seven Cultural Councils and Collaborative Networks. This was undertaken using a similar approach to the workshops conducted in 2021, with a focus on engaging stakeholders in each jurisdiction.
These discussions have contributed to the development of the actions within the Draft Implementation Plan that we are seeking your comment on.
What will happen once the submissions have been received?
All submissions and feedback will be considered by GDPSA, the Expert Advisory Committee and the Governance Committee that are contributing to the development of the Implementation Plan (see below for further details on these groups below). GDSPA will then seek to finalise the Implementation Plan in partnership with the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments via National Cabinet later this year.